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A new hollow fiber – based liquid-phase microextraction method for determination of antihypertensive drug lercandipine in biological samples
Autoři: Labzova Oleksandra | Hrdlička Vojtěch | Navrátil Tomáš | Šelešovská Renáta
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng A new hollow fiber – based liquid-phase microextraction method for determination of antihypertensive drug lercandipine in biological samples A novel method using hollow fiber-based liquid-phase microextraction (HF-LPME) was developed for determination of antihypertensive drug lercandipine (LCN) in biological samples. This method involved combining HF-LPME with optimized square wave voltammetry (SWV) using a cathodically pre-treated screen-printed boron-doped diamond electrode (SP-BDDE)7 . The limits of quantification (LOQ) and detection (LOD) were 3.3 and 1.1 nmol L −1 , respectively. The method was successfully applied to human urine, blood serum, and blood plasma samples with standard additions of 20 and 100 nmol L −1 LCN to verify its effectiveness, with RSDs ranging from 1.71 to 8.49%. This study demonstrates the synergistic application of SWV at BDDE with HF-LPME, as the optimum conditions for the HF-LPME match the optimum conditions for the voltammetric detection . This method offers a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to existing methodologies . One viable application is monitoring a patient's successful LCN absorption, as some individuals were reported to poorly absorb orally administered LCN, which is manifested by a significantly increased concentration of urinary LCN . hollow fiber, microextraction, determination, drug, lercandipine, biological samples