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Correlation of thermal and electrical properties of silver germanophosphate glasses with their structural analysis by Raman and NMR spectroscopy
Autoři: Hostinský Tomáš | Mošner Petr | Koudelka Ladislav | Razum Marta | Pavic Luka | Buryi Maksym | Montagne Lionel | Rankin Andrew
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Materials Chemistry and Physics
Název nakladatele: Elsevier Science SA
Místo vydání: Lausanne
Strana od-do: 129357
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Korelace tepelných a elektrických vlastností stříbrných germanofosfátových skel s jejich strukturní analýzou pomocí Ramanovy a NMR spektroskopie Práce je zaměřena na studium vztahu mezi strukturou a vlastnostmi stříbrných germanofosfátových skel v kompoziční řadě (50- x)Ag2OxGeO2-50P2O5 s 0-40 mol% GeO2. fosforečnanová skla; vlastnosti skel; 31P MAS NMR spektroskopie; Ramanova spektroskopie; impedanční spektroskopie
eng Correlation of thermal and electrical properties of silver germanophosphate glasses with their structural analysis by Raman and NMR spectroscopy In present study glasses of the system Ag2O-GeO2-P2O5 were studied in the compositional series (50- x)Ag2OxGeO2-50P2O5 with x = 0-40 mol%. Ag2O substitution by GeO2 results in a significant increase of both glass transition temperature, Tg, and crystallization temperature, Tc, up to 628 degrees C (Tg) and 851 degrees C (Tc) at x = 40 mol% GeO2. The glass structure was investigated from the analysis of 31P MAS NMR and Raman spectra. Both methods show transformation of phosphate glass network formed mainly by Q2 units to germanate-phosphate network formed by Q1xGe and Q21Ge phosphate units and germanate units. Raman spectra, in addition, reveal evolution of P-O-P linkages to P-O-Ge and Ge-O-Ge linkages through the glass series. DC conductivity trend upon GeO2 addition showed non-monotonic behaviour, which is related to structural changes in the glass-network. Phosphate glasses; glass properties; 31 P MAS NMR spectroscopy; Raman spectroscopy; Impedance spectroscopy