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Charge trapping and luminescence of the mixed size CsPbBr3 particles grown in one batch
Autoři: Buryi Maksym | Babin Vladimir | Decka Katerina | Ridzonova Katarina | Neykova Neda | Hajek Frantisek | Velkov Zhivko | Remes Zdenek | Tomala Robert | Socha Pawel | Bartosiewicz Karol | Hostinský Tomáš | Mošner Petr | Yamamoto Tomoyuki | Ma Chong-Geng | Brik Mikhail G
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Optical Materials
Název nakladatele: Elsevier Science BV
Místo vydání: Amsterdam
Strana od-do: 115279
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Studium záchytu náboje a luminiscence částic CsPbBr3 smíšené velikosti pěstovaných v jedné várce Práce byla zaměřena na syntézu práškového bromidu cesno-olovnatého (CsPbBr3, CPB) tvořeného mikro-, nanokrystaly (MC, NC) a kvantovými tečkami (QD), byl syntetizován jak samostatný CsPbBr3, tak zapouzdřený do polystyrenu. Následně byly studovány optické a luminiscenční vlastnosti a strukturní defekty pomocí techniky EPR. CsPbBr3 částice; polystyrenová ochrana; vazba CsPbBr3/polystyren; rychlá luminiscence; záchyt náboje
eng Charge trapping and luminescence of the mixed size CsPbBr3 particles grown in one batch Cesium lead bromide (CsPbBr3, CPB) powder formed by micro-, nanocrystals (MC, NC) and quantum dots (QD) was synthesized as free-standing and polystyrene covered. Luminescence was multicomponent, in general, ranging from below 1.9 eV up to about 2.6 eV. The ultrafast decay kinetics exhibited strong decay time component with the value of 260 ps. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) revealed surface defects like O-2(-) and some spin transitions most likely originating from some complex defect, supposedly F-Vk(H) dimer center under the constant ultraviolet (UV) light irradiation at the temperature T = 10 K. The thermal release of the electrons from the O-2(-) center was correlated with the 117 K thermally stimulated luminescence (TSL) peak. Coating with polystyrene resulted in the about doubly increased decay time of luminescence. The O-2(-) and F-Vk(H) EPR resonances were not observed as well. The TSL peak which might be ascribed to the O-2(-) was not clearly detected anymore. The glow curve was composed of one very broad peak typical for the amorphous materials. At the same time, the polystyrene prevented the MCs creation. The existence of charge/energy transfer between the CPB and polystyrene due to the chemical bonding was assumed and confirmed also by calculations. CsPbBr3 particles; Polystyrene shielding; CsPbBr3/Polystyrene bonding; Fast luminescence; Charge trapping