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Influence of the structure of triphenylamine and carbazole AIE luminogens on optical properties
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Influence of the structure of triphenylamine and carbazole AIE luminogens on optical properties AIE is the term used to describe the photophysical phenomenon of luminogenic materials that are non-emissive when dissolved in solvents with high solubility and become luminous in solvents with low solubility. In their solid state, luminogenes display an emissive behavior. The fundamental framework of compounds can be diverse. Structure-wise, derivatives of compounds showing AIE are typically those with a conjugated system of π-bonds. All of these can be referred to as derivatives of tetraphenylethylene (TPE), phenothiazine, benzene, pyrene, triphenylamine (TPA) or even carbazole. AIE luminogens have potential applications as sensitive chemical sensors, biological probes, semiconductors, organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), or light-emitting liquid crystals. Following our previous research, series of novel chromophores were synthetized using Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reaction. These chromophores consists of the central electron donor (triphenylamine or carbazole) and peripheral acceptors in the form of nitro group(s) and (hetero)aromate(s) (basic structures I – III). Depending on the type of (hetero)aromatic acceptor, several synthesized derivatives showed emission based on the AIE mechanism. Some of them have already been used as comonomers in colorless emissive polyimide films. With appropriate construction of the entire series, we investigated the effects of individual substituents, π-linkers and the central units on thermal (melting, decomposition) and photophysical (absorption, emission or AIE) properties. chromophore; AIE luminogene; triphenzlamine; carbazole; polyimide film