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Stereoregular polymerization of phenylacetylene using alkynyl and methyl rhodium(I) complexes with functionalized phosphine ligands: linear vs. branched poly(phenylacetylene)s
Autoři: Angoy Marta | Jimenez M. Victoria | Vispe Eugenio | Podzimek Štěpán | Perez-Torrente Jesus J
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Polymer Chemistry
Název nakladatele: Royal Society of Chemistry
Místo vydání: Cambridge
Strana od-do: 3086-3099
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Stereolegulární polymerace fenylacetylenu s použitím alkynyl a methylových rhodiových komplexů s fosfinovými ligandami: lineární versus větvené poly(fenyl acetyleny) Byly připraveny různé rhodiové komplexy. Tyto komplexy účinně katalyzují polymeraci fenyl acetylenu bez přítomnosti zásady a poskytují vysokomolekulární poly(fenyl acetylen). Charakterizace polymerů metodami SEC-MALS a A4F-MALS odkryla bimodální molárně hmotnostní distribuci v důsledku přítomnosti vysokomolekulárních frakcí. živá polymerace; katalyzovaná polymerace; rozptyl světla; polyacetyleny; iniciátor; mechanismus
eng Stereoregular polymerization of phenylacetylene using alkynyl and methyl rhodium(I) complexes with functionalized phosphine ligands: linear vs. branched poly(phenylacetylene)s The alkynyl [Rh(C equivalent to C-Ph)(nbd){Ph2P(CH2)(3)Z}(2)] and [Rh(C equivalent to C-Ph)(cod){Ph2P(CH2)(3)Z}] (cod = 1,5-cyclooctadiene, nbd = 2,5-norbornadiene) and methyl complexes [Rh(CH3)(cod){Ph2P(CH2)(3)Z}] featuring functionalized phosphine ligands (Z = NMe2, OEt) have been prepared. These complexes efficiently catalyze the polymerization of phenylacetylene in the absence of a base to afford stereoregular poly(phenylacetylene)s with high molar masses. Polymer characterization by SEC-MALS and A4F-MALS revealed a bimodal molar mass distribution due to the presence of a high molar mass polymer fraction. The diene ligand in the alkynyl complexes influences the morphology of the polymers. The poly(phenylacetylene)s prepared with the square-planar alkynyl complexes [Rh(C equivalent to C-Ph)(cod){Ph2P(CH2)(3)Z}] having cod as the diene are linear, whereas the catalysts [Rh(C equivalent to C-Ph)(nbd){Ph2P(CH2)(3)Z}(2)] with nbd as the diene afford PPAs with a fraction of high molar mass branched polymer. However, neither the catalytic performance nor the PPA morphology is affected by the donor function of the functionalized phosphine ligand (-NMe2 or -OEt). The alkynyl complexes having nbd as the diene ligand, [Rh(C equivalent to C-Ph)(nbd){Ph2P(CH2)(3)Z}(2)], are much more active than the square-planar alkynyl and methyl complexes having cod as the diene. These catalysts polymerize phenylacetylene at a faster rate than the catalyst [Rh(C equivalent to C-Ph)(nbd)(PPh3)(2)] bearing a non-functionalized phosphine ligand and afford polymers with a much higher molecular weight. living polymerization; catalyzed polymerization; light-scattering; polyacetylenes; initiator; mechanism