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Immobilized palladium-complexes of pyridine-oxazoline type ligands: Recyclable catalysts for asymmetric additions of arylboronic acids to various electrophiles
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Immobilized palladium-complexes of pyridine-oxazoline type ligands: Recyclable catalysts for asymmetric additions of arylboronic acids to various electrophiles Asymmetric addition of arylboronic acids to polarized double bonds is a modern method for the preparation of optically pure compounds bearing tertiary or quaternary stereocentre. These reactions are typically catalyzed by Rh or Pd complexes1. The high cost of both palladium and optically pure ligands, as well as the environmental burden associated with waste treatment, is a major concern for these reactions. Among the most efficient catalytic systems providing both high yields and enantiomeric excesses are palladium complexes of pyridine-oxazoline type ligands (PyOx). Methodologies have been developed for the immobilization of three important PyOx ligands by both direct polymerization and postmodification of the commercially available polystyrene-PEG support. Adaptation of the reaction conditions to perform the reaction on a heterogeneous setup was performed to address the identified problems. The prepared immobilized catalysts could be used up to 10-times in repeating cycles. immobilized palladium; asymmetric additions; arylboronic acids; pyridine-oxazoline ligands