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One step approach to azoarenes based on Buchwald-Hartwig amination
Autoři: Kocúrik Martin | Konopáčová Pavlína | Kolman Lukáš | Kryl Pavel | Růžička Aleš | Bartáček Jan | Hanusek Jiří | Váňa Jiří
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng One step approach to azoarenes based on Buchwald-Hartwig amination Aromatic azo compounds stand as a highly sought-after class of substances, owing to their extensive array of applications across various fields. Despite their significance, their synthesis often presents challenges, requiring either multi-step reactions or being restricted to specific substrate types. In this study, we are showing the universality and mechanistic aspects of a one-step approach for synthesis of non-symmetrical azoarenes via the Buchwald-Hartwig amination reaction of (pseudo)haloaromatics with arylhydrazines, conducted in the presence of atmospheric oxygen. This reaction protocol yields products with up to 85% yield and is suitable for a wide class of substituents, making it universally adaptable. Notably, the inclusion of BINAP as a ligand plays a pivotal role in achieving favorable outcomes. This study offers not only a versatile solution to a longstanding synthetic challenge but also provides experimental and computational insights into the mechanisms driving the reaction. azoarenes; Buchwald-Hartwig amination; arylhydrazines