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Hetero-/Homobimetallic Aluminium Complexes Decorated by Unique Biguanide-like Derivatives
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Hetero-/Homobimetallic Aluminium Complexes Decorated by Unique Biguanide-like Derivatives In the quest to obtain novel compounds with unique properties, the demand for competent ligands arises. Easily accessible guanidinate anions, known to stabilize a broad range of elements through the periodic table in various oxidation states, have been experiencing a kind of neo-renaissance period due to their immense versatility and utilization. Modification of the existing N3C core by introducing additional donor atoms led to the formation of a conjugated N5C2 system of protoligand resembling biguanide (Scheme 1 - middle), which possesses two NH groups prone to deprotonation. This pyrimidine-biguanide afforded, upon treatment with compounds of lithium or aluminum (and other reagents), homo-/heterobimetallic complexes, decorated by mono-/dianionic biguanide-like ligand (Scheme 1), which mutual comparison from the synthetic and behavioral point of view will be discussed in detail. Hetero-/Homobimetallic; Aluminium; Complexes; Decorated; Unique; Biguanide-like; Derivatives