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Dianionic Biguanide Complexes Containing Zinc Center(s)
Autoři: Vlk Lukáš | Chlupatý Tomáš | Růžičková Zdeňka | Théron Benjamin | Penouilh Marie-José | Malacea-Kabbara Raluca | Le Gendre Pierre | Růžička Aleš
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Dianionic Biguanide Complexes Containing Zinc Center(s) Anionic guanidinates are widely recognized as capable, multi-functional ligand species. Many complexes of main group as well as transition metals have been employed in catalysis and chemical transformations.1 The contrasting scarcity of dianionic guanidinate complexes in the literature makes this topic of high interest. Here we present a robust ligand, suitable for accommodation of two metal nuclei in a homo/heterobimetallic fashion. Interesting reactivity and structural variability of Zn complexes (Scheme 1), originating from the fluxional nature of the n-π conjugated system of joined metallacycles, is depicted. Dianionic; Biguanide; Complexes; Containing; Zinc; Centers