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Risk characterization of toxic elements through the consumption of botanical preparations across the European population
Autoři: Varra Maria Olga | Lanza Giovanni Tommaso | Husáková Lenka | Patočka Jan | Piroutková Martina | Ghidini Sergio | Zanardi Emanuela
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Risk characterization of toxic elements through the consumption of botanical preparations across the European population Twenty-nine botanical preparations obtained from fruits, leaves, peels, seeds, roots, fungi, and spirulina were analyzed by inductively coupled-mass spectrometry and a mercury analyzer to assess the risk of dietary exposure to 12 toxic metals and metalloids through the consumption of these products by the European population.The most concerning intake levels, calculated through a probabilistic approach using Montecarlo simulations, were related to Al, As, and Ni from the consumption of spirulina-, peel-, and leaf-based botanicals, especially for young ages. The intakes of As from all the analyzed botanicals indicated a high-risk level for infants, since the assessment resulted in margins of exposure (MOEs) below 1. Similarly, the MOEs to As associated with the consumption of peel-based botanicals were concerning across all age groups, ranging from 0.04 to 2.3 on average. The consumption of peel-based botanicals by infants, toddlers, and children also contributed significantly (13-130%) to the tolerable daily intake of Ni, while the consumption of spirulina-based botanicals raised concerns for Al intake also across adults, contributing to 11-176% of the tolerable weekly intake of this element. The results of this study highlight the need of a monitoring framework of chemical contamination of botanicals to ensure their safety for regular consumers.