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Glycomic analysis of enzymatically released glycans from glycosphingolipids in plasma samples
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Glycomic analysis of enzymatically released glycans from glycosphingolipids in plasma samples Lipids play a vital role in living organisms because they constitute cell or organelle membranes. Among them, there is a class called glycosphingolipids, in which a glycan moiety is linked to the hydrophobic chain. This class is implicated in various functions, such as cell-cell recognition [1] and cell adhesion. The dysregulation of this class may also be involved in cancer [1, 2]. As in glycoproteomic analyses, there are different levels of analyses of glycolipids (analysis of intact compounds [3] or released saccharides [4]). The characterization of native glycosphingolipid structures remains a tricky task. Here, we present a method applied for the characterization of the saccharide part of the glycosphingolipids from plasma samples. The use of HILIC chromatography allows the separation of regioisomers. The coupling of HILIC with high-resolution mass spectrometry allows the successful detection and identification of more than 30 glycans, both neutral and acidic,simultaneously extracted from plasma samples. Glycans are present with different sizes up to 9 monosaccharide units. Glycomic analysis; plasma samples, HILIC chromatography