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Impacts Of Climate Change On Chemical Enterprises
Autoři: Vávra Jan | Lochmanová Natálie
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Impacts Of Climate Change On Chemical Enterprises Climate change is becoming an undeniable fact and affects every individual, the public and industrial enterprises. Rising temperatures caused by greenhouse gas emissions create several direct impacts on the operations of industrial enterprises and force them to respond to changing climate conditions. Deterioration of access to quality water, protection against extreme manifestations of climate change in the form of floods, extreme wind or long-term tropical temperatures, forces management to introduce mitigation and adaptation measures to climate change at the corporate level. In addition to the costs of decarbonisation of industry and the obligation to purchase emission allowances, a considerable part of the funds must therefore be spent on the direct effects of climate change. The degree of threat from climate change and the impact of adaptation measures on the economic performance of industrial enterprises was mapped by qualitative research in a selected chemical enterprise. The fundamental consequences of climate change for industrial enterprises were identified, as well as the adaptation and mitigation measures being adopted. Impacts; Climate Change; Chemical Enterprises