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Analytical methods for monitoring the efficiency of decomposition of gadolinium-based contrast agents
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Analytical methods for monitoring the efficiency of decomposition of gadolinium-based contrast agents The goal of the work was to design and optimize the recycling process of residual GBCA material together with packaging materials (glass, plastic, aluminum, rubber, adhesives) that are incinerated in hospital incinerators. The acid decomposition of GBCA using microwave radiation was tested, with the resulting product being a gadolinium salt (gadolinium nitrate). Three parameters were optimized during the decomposition process, namely the amount of decomposition agent (nitric acid), the time program and the temperature program. The efficiency of contrast agent degradation was based on monitoring the concentration of gadolinium and residual organic carbon in the mineralized using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES) and total organic carbon (TOC). By optimizing the microwave decomposition parameters, almost 100% decomposition effectiveness was achieved, and gadolinium was obtained in the aqueous (gadolinium nitrate). Acid decomposition by microwave radiation has been found to be an effective method of recycling gadolinium in the form of an inorganic salt, which is the main output of rare earth metal mining. This strategy can create a potentially new source of gadolinium, either for medical purposes or for use in energy and other sectors of industry. inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectromety; microwave decomposition; gadolinium-based contrast agents; medical waste