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Voltammetric Determination of Triclosan
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: 43rd Modern Electrochemical Methods :Proceedings of the International Conference
Název nakladatele: BEST Servis
Místo vydání: Ústí nad Labem
Strana od-do: 21-24
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Voltametrické stanovení triclosanu V tomto příspěvku je prezentováno voltametrické stanovení triclosanu Voltametrie; stanovení; triclosan
eng Voltammetric Determination of Triclosan In this contribution a method for voltammetric determination of triclosan is presented. Fundamental electrochemical behavior of triclosan was studied as well. It undergoes two-electron irreversible oxidation at about +0.8 V vs ref. The optimization includes the investigation of the electrochemical behavior of triclosan, the testing of electrodes suitable for its determination and the selection of optimal conditions, and other parameters. The developed method could be employed in monitoring system for biodegradation of triclosan. Voltammettry; Determination; Triclosan