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Multiple C(sp3)-I Bond Activation Mediated by Heavier Pnictinidenes: on the Way to Unprecedented Cycles
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Multiple C(sp3)-I Bond Activation Mediated by Heavier Pnictinidenes: on the Way to Unprecedented Cycles Oxidation of univalent bismuth(I) pincer compounds, known as bismuthinidenes, by various substrates has recently gained considerable attention. These compounds exhibit remarkable potential in classical SN2 oxidative additions (OA) and their reactivity may be further significantly enhanced by LED irradiation. Nevertheless, the same compounds can also take part in single electron transfer SET-OA or some of their adducts may serve as radical equilibrium complexes (REC) that are able to activate small molecules including ammonia. In the present contribution, we extend this field also to lighter counterparts based on arsenic and antimony. Importantly, we, for the first time, examine the reactivity toward substrate with more potential reaction sites, using CH2I2 as a model system. Our preliminary results clearly show that unprecedented reactivity is to be expected in this field as illustrated on bismuth compounds below. The recent achievement in this field will be presented and discussed.