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Characterization and photo-viscous changes in phosphate-based glasses doped by copper ions
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Characterization and photo-viscous changes in phosphate-based glasses doped by copper ions Phosphate glasses represent a significant group of phosphorus and oxygen-containing glasses with several potential technological applications. These materials exhibit relatively high values of coefficient of thermal expansion with low glass transition temperature and other processing temperatures which is interesting for sealing [1]. Some phosphate glasses with suitable chemical compositions, e.g. calcium phosphate glasses, are also applicable in the field of biomedicine [2]. In addition, they also have the short wavelength absorption edge typically located in UV region and are able to incorporate into their structure a relatively high amount of transition metal ions [1, 3]. These properties make phosphate glasses promising for several hi-tech applications, such as solid-state lasers [4], low-frequency optical fibers [5] or optical data storage [6]. The advantage of these materials from the point of view of sustainable development is also the potential immobilization of radioactive wastes [7]. Copper can exist in glassy structures in several different chemical forms, i.e. metallic Cu0, Cu+ or Cu2+ ions with various coordinations, which differently determine/affect the materials' properties, e.g. optical characteristics [8]. The chemical form of copper in glasses is subsequently given mainly by the chemical compositions of starting materials, which react together during the synthesis, and applied experimental conditions [8-10]. In this work, we focus on the substitution of Zn2+ ions by Cun+ ions (where n = 1 or 2) in the phosphate glasses and the influence of this substitution on their structure and properties, i.e. optical and thermal properties including also photo-viscous changes. All bulk materials (i.e. with 0-11.6 mol% of starting CuO) were synthesized by classical melt-quenching technique in a corundum crucible. The obtained bulk glasses were chemically stable in the ambient atmosphere. The amorphous character or the presence of crystalline phase in glasses phosphate glasses; copper ions; structure; optical properties; photo-viscous changes