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Direct electron beam patterning of selenide-based chalcogenide thin films
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Direct electron beam patterning of selenide-based chalcogenide thin films Selenide-based chalcogenide thin films represent promising materials mainly for optical or photonic applications in the mid-infrared region due to their suitable optical properties [1]. In addition, these glasses are typically sensitive to the action of photons or electrons with appropriate parameters (energy, intensity/current density), leading to the local properties’ changes, such as topographical (expansion, contraction) or optical changes (darkening, bleaching) [1, 2]. The targeted action of electrons on the scale of micrometers or even lower can induce micro-patterning of materials, i.e. creation of microlenses or their arrays, diffraction gratings, or other micro-optical devices [2]. This work focuses on the micro-patterning of selected selenide-based chalcogenide thin films using accelerated electron beam (typically by 20 kV). The exposition of samples caused the local changes in both topography and optical properties, depending on several parameters such as chemical composition, thermal history of thin films (virgin, annealed), substrates or electron beam parameters (energy, magnification or current density). For example, we observed local bleaching of virgin Ge30Se70 thin films after electron beam exposition (image in grayscale by optical microscopy). For characterization of the detected micro-changes, a set of microscopical techniques were applied: atomic force and digital holographic microscopies (topography of formed micro-objects), force spectroscopy (changes in mechanical properties), optical and scanning electron microscope (visualization and detection of micro-objects) and ellipsometry (refractive index changes). selenides; electron beam; micro-patterning; optical changes; topographical changes