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Redox catalysis and other tricks using tellurium-centered Lewis acid
Autoři: Hejda Martin
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Redox catalysis and other tricks using tellurium-centered Lewis acid As a result of our long-term interest for highly Lewis acidic N-intramolecularly coordinated organotellurenyl (TeII) cations with weakly coordinating anions,[1-3] we have recently came across to an unusual reactivity of these species towards a B-H bond in carborane[4] and also towards Si-H bonds in externally added silanes of type R3SiH.[5] Mechanism of this unseen reactivity can be described as a tandem double umpolung of a Si-H bond, because silylium R3Si+, proton and 2 e− (ultimately reducing two TeII centres to TeI-TeI ) are the final products. The redox changes of Te atoms in the process attracted our attention due to its potential in redox catalysis with catalytic transfer of various E-H bonds (E = main group element) across some redox-active substrates. Very recently, we successfully utilized such mechanism to catalytically transfer not only Si-H bonds but also Sn-H and B-H bonds of stannanes and boranes. On the top of these results, another remarkable reactivity of organotellurenyl (TeII) cations will be presented within this contribution. The authors wish to thank the Czech Science Foundation (project No. 22-17230S) for the financial support.