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Phosphine-substituted N-coordinated Stannylene: Efficient Catalyst in Ketone Hydroboration
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
Název nakladatele: Wiley-VCH
Místo vydání: Weinheim
Strana od-do: e202400193
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Fosfin-substituovaný N-koordinovaný stannylen: Katalyzátor hydroborací Fosfin-substituovaný N-koordinovaný stannylen byl studován jako velmi efektivní katalyzátor hydroborací. Mechanismus této reakce byl podrobně prostudován. hydroborace; stannylen; katalyzátor
eng Phosphine-substituted N-coordinated Stannylene: Efficient Catalyst in Ketone Hydroboration P-substituted stannylene (Ph2PCH2)(L)Sn containing N,C,N-pincer ligand (L=[2,6-(Me2NCH2)(2)C6H3]) was prepared. The complex was further oxidised to prepare P-substituted organotin (IV) compounds (Ph2PCH2)(L)SnX2. Finally, P(S)-substituted N-coordinated stannylene [(Ph2P(S)CH2](L)Sn containing P atom in the oxidation state +V was also prepared. All these P-substituted organotins were tested as catalysts for the hydroboration of ketones to see the effect of oxidation numbers of Sn/P atoms. Stannylene (Ph2PCH2)(L)Sn showed remarkable conversions with TOF about 1800 h(-1) and is suitable for the reduction of several ketones. The mechanistic studies are also discussed. hydroboration; ketones; pincer ligand; stannylene