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AM printing of desoldering paste for the disassembling of electronic components from PCBs
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng AM printing of desoldering paste for the disassembling of electronic components from PCBs The presented study focusses on the development of desoldering paste selective for disassembly of electronic components from printed circuit boards (PCBs). The low temperature disassembly process realised by additive manufacturing (AM) enables the subsequent reuse of electronic components in future applications. The presentation describes the development of the etching mixture/desoldering paste, the influence of its composition on its etching properties, and the development of procedures and tools for objective evaluation of the etching properties of the desoldering paste. Various methods of desoldering paste printing processes will be tested, including the use of a collaborative robot that can be easily integrated into a fully automated process in the future. An important part is also the possibility of recycling materials during the desoldering process, or rather the recovery of selected elements of the soldering pastes for their subsequent use. desoldering paste, additive manufacturing, selective disassembly, electronic components, printed circuit boards, recycling