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Electrochemical detection of ergpsterol as an alternative marker to toxin quantification in fungi
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Electrochemical detection of ergpsterol as an alternative marker to toxin quantification in fungi The lecture aimed on presentation of results focused on method of electrochemical detection of ergosterol as alternative indicator of fungi contamination. Varius electrodes were used for square wave voltammetric detection of ergosterol standard including boron doped diamond, glassy carbon, glassy carbon paste modified electrode as working electrodes. Also screen-printed electrode with bron doped diamond electrode working and counter electrode, and silverúsilver chloride reference electrode. Various extraction techniques were compared to select the most efficient one. Finally, samples of cultivation medium with selected growth fungi were analysed as simulated real samples. ergosterol; electrochemical detection; square wave voltammetry; fungi; food control