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Crystal growth in chalcogenide glass-formes prepared in different forms and its relation to viscosity and diffusion
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Crystal growth in chalcogenide glass-formes prepared in different forms and its relation to viscosity and diffusion This work focuses on crystal growth in Ge25Se75 bulk glasses and thin films prepared by thermal evaporation and solution processing. Crystal growth data were obtained using infrared microscopy measurements, showing a change in crystal morphology within the broad studied temperature region (250 – 550 ◦C). Nevertheless, a single crystal growth model could describe the crystal growth rates. The combination of viscosity and crystal growth data provides an extensive collection essential for crystal growth description in a wide temperature range. The found crystal growth model describing the experimental data provides information about the size of structural units incorporated into the growing crystals. The structural unit size is then used for the estimation of self-diffusion coefficients (D) that show a similar relation with crystal growth rates (u) as was found in molecular glasses (u ≈ Dˆ0.87). Crystal growth; chalcogenide glass; viscosity; diffusion