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Viscosity measurements of As-Se chalcogenide glass and its use for determination of crystal growth kinetics
Autoři: Vaculík David | Košťál Petr | Včeláková Michaela | Schmidt Markus | Wieduwilt Torsten | Barták Jaroslav
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Viscosity measurements of As-Se chalcogenide glass and its use for determination of crystal growth kinetics Viscosity is a material property which defines how well the material flows. Its knowledge is very important, especially for glassy materials. The crystal growth kinetics is also influenced by viscosity. The diffusion of structural units to the crystal-glass interface is usually very hard or impossible to measure, but it can be replaced by the Stokes-Einstein equation, which correlates diffusion with viscosity. Also, the kinetic crystal growth models are viscosity-dependent, making the knowledge of rheological properties essential. Our study group, the M´alek Research Group, have been interested in the viscosity measurement for a long time, and we’ve been trying to describe the viscosity of various noncrystalline materials in a broad range of temperatures, from the melted material and undercooled melts to amorphous glass. We’ve been using many different experimental techniques to achieve that, some of which are introduced in the presented study. The use of these techniques will be demonstrated on an As-Se glassy system. Viscosity; As-Se; glass; crystal growth; kinetics