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Utilisation of Waste Vegetable Oil for Synthesis of Biolubricants
Autoři: Hájek Martin | Kocík J | Tišler Z | Strejcová K | Šimek J | Kocián David
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Utilisation of Waste Vegetable Oil for Synthesis of Biolubricants The epoxidation was caried out at various reaction conditions such as the type and amount of solvent, the ratios of raw materials, the content of tungsten in catalyst and amounts of catalyst. Due to immiscibility of raw materials, one solvent (acetonitrile, ethyl acetate or tert-butanol) was added to decrease the amounts of phases. The catalysts were deeply characterized by many methods to find the relation between catalyst properties and results of epoxidation such as conversion and selectivity to epoxides including statistical evaluation of outcomes. Moreover, the thermodynamic values (enthalpy and Gibbs energy) of the reaction mechanism will be calculated. The relations and together with reaction mechanism can synthesize stable catalyst with high conversion and selectivity than the homogeneous one, which is more environmentally friendly. Utilisation; Waste Vegetable Oil; Synthesis; Biolubricants