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Přihlášení pro zaměstnance

Publikace detail

Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng BIOPOLYMER-BASED FDM 3D PRINTING FDM 3D printing technology is gaining ground only slowly in the field of preparation of pharmaceutical forms. The use of its potential is limited by the high demands of the pharmaceutical industry. Although the selection of input raw materials is limited by this, filaments (feedstock for a 3D printer) can be made from materials already introduced in the production of dosage forms and used to print dosage forms with various dissolution properties. In addition, by combining different filament components, the properties of the products can be optimized and a specific dissolution profile can be targeted. Therefore, the product can be individually tailored to the patient's needs not only on the basis of dosage form geometry. Some components can enable or improve the processing of other raw materials the introduction of which would otherwise be accompanied by technical problems or is not completely suitable for FDM 3D printing. We, therefore, deal with the optimization of the composition of the filaments and the conditions of their preparation with the aim of designing ones from which it will be possible to print pharmaceutical forms based on an easily editable CAD model. For 3D-printed forms, we monitor the dissolution properties with regard to the pH of the environment to which these forms are exposed after administration. BIOPOLYMER-BASED; FDM; 3D PRINTING