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Photoluminescence in Er3+doped LaYO3 and LaYbO3 perovskites prepared by combustion synthesis
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Photoluminescence in Er3+doped LaYO3 and LaYbO3 perovskites prepared by combustion synthesis Interlanthanide perovskites of the general formula AA’X3, where A, A’ stands for larger and smaller lanthanide(III) cations, X for anion, are intensively studied e.g. for protonic conduction [1], for high-k dielectric applications [2] and for resistive switching [3]. Easy doping of interlanthanide perovskites with other lanthanide or transition-metal ions [1] allows the fabrication of novel phosphors which was only scarcely studied [4,5]. The attention of present study is paid to preparation of Er3+doped LaYO3 and LaYbO3 perovskites as green-tored-emitting upconversion phosphors. Studied perovskites have been prepared by combustion synthesis of lanthanide citrates. LaYbO3:Er3+ perovskites are formed at relatively low temperatures of ≈800 °C, while the synthesis of the LaYO3:Er3+ perovskites requires postannealing temperature approximately at ≈1400 °C. The upconversion photoluminesce dynamics has been investigated by analysis of the steadystate and the timeresolved emission spectra at pumping wavelength of ≈980 nm. The effect of Er3+ ↔ Er3+ cross-relaxation and energy transfer process with or without Yb3+ sensitization on resulting upconversion emission intensity and color tunability will be discussed. References [1] C. Artini, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 37, 427–440 (2017) [2] W.-T. Su, L. Yang, B. Li, Applied Surface Science, 257(7), 2526–2530 (2011) [3] C.-R. Cheng, M.-H. Tsai, T.-H. Hsu, M.-J. Li, C.-L. Huang, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 930, 167487 (2023) [4] V. Đorđević, V. Nikolić, Ž. Antić, M. Mitrić, M. D. Dramićanin, Acta Physica Polonica A, 120, 303–305 (2011) [5] D. R. Taikar, S. Tamboli, S. J. Dhoble, Optik, 142, 183–190 (2017) Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge the assistance provided by the Research Infrastructure NanoEnviCz, supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic under Project No. LM2018124. The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Ministry of Education, interlanthanide perovskites; upconversion photoluminescence; combustion synthesis; LaYO3 perovskites; LaYbO3 perovskites; Er3+ doped perovskites