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Solution-processed chalcogenide glass thin films
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Solution-processed chalcogenide glass thin films Many practical applications of chalcogenide glasses require the material to be in a thin film form. Traditionally, physical vapor deposition methods are used (e.g. thermal evaporation, sputtering). Significantly simpler, cost-effective and energy saving alternative is deposition from the glass solution in volatile solvent [1]. Solution based deposition methods (e.g. spin-coating, dip-coating) offer unique possibility to alter the composition and the structure of the material while in the solution state. Pure chalcogens (S, Se) can be dissolved in the glass solution in order to shift the composition within the system or to cross from binary to ternary system. Moreover, solutions of various glasses can be mixed together resulting in a more complex composition. Solutions of chalcogenide glasses can even be doped with completely different material (e.g. carbon nanotubes, semiconductor nanoparticles) which can bring new functionalities to the thin films (e.g. luminescence). Properties of solution processed thin film depend not only on the glass composition but also on its thermal history. Post-deposition annealing leading to the release of organic residua and structural polymerization of the glass influences optical properties, chemical resistance or sensitivity to various kinds of irradiation (e.g. UV-VIS, e-beam). Etching selectivity can be completely inverted by proper annealing regime. The majority of the research on the solution processed chalcogenide glass thin films has been conducted on arsenic based glasses (particularly As2S3). Despite good understanding of dissolution chemistry of these glasses, their practical application is questionable due to arsenic toxicity. For this reason, the main focus of the research in the field shifted lately to germanium based glasses, or germanium-antimony based glasses respectively. These glasses exhibit many interesting properties such as very high chemical resistance which allows repeated direct deposition on hard-baked thin