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Synthesis of Stannylenes chelated by bulky bis-amides
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Synthesis of Stannylenes chelated by bulky bis-amides The use of bis(amido)silanes as ligands was investigated already in 1970s, especially by Veith, but only few bis(amido)silyl stannylenes have been prepared to date, even though their use, for example in catalysis, is still subject to research. In last few years a series of new bis(amido)silyls bearing superbulky substituents (derived from 2,6-diphenylmethyl-4-methylaniline) have been prepared by our group. These silanes were afterwards used for synthesis of stannylenes by their deprotonation with n-BuLi a subsequent reaction with SnCl2. These stannylenes have been characterized via multinuclear NMR and SC-XRD. Very low yields of these reactions (≈ 10 %) forced us to investigate the course of reactions in more detail. Unusual reaction pattern and products have been observed in case of deprotonation of bis(amido)ligand by organolithium reagents. Reaction with other deprotonation reagents have been carried out along with modification of ligands. Products of all reactions have been characterized by multinuclear NMR and SC-XRD techniques.