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Preparation of dielectric mirrors from high-refractive index contrast amorphous chalcogenide films
Autoři: Kohoutek Tomáš | Orava Jiří | Wágner Tomáš | Hrdlička Martin | Vlček Milan | Frumar Miloslav
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
Název nakladatele: Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd.
Místo vydání: Oxford
Strana od-do: 2070-2074
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Příprava dielektrických zrcadel z tenkých vrstev amorfních chalkogenidů s vysokým kontrastem indexů lomu Práce se zaměřuje na studium vlastností dielektrických zrcadel pro infračervenou oblast 1.55 um zhotovených z tenkých vrstev amorfních chalkogenidů systému Sb-Se a Ge-S. Chalcogenidy, Tenké vrstvy, Elektronová mikroskopie, Optické vlastnosti
eng Preparation of dielectric mirrors from high-refractive index contrast amorphous chalcogenide films We report the preparation of planar 15-layer dielectric mirrors by a thermal evaporation of alternating high refractive index contrast amorphous chalcogenide Sb?Se and Ge?S layers, exhibiting a highreflection band around 1.55 um. The layer deposition quality and the thickness accuracy of such prepared chalcogenide multilayers were then checked using transmission electron microscopy. The layer thickness deviation of chalcogenide layers did not exceed 7 nm in comparison with the desired thicknesses. The width of Sb?Se/Ge?S layer boundary was approximately 3 nm, which is in good agreement with the surface roughness values of thermally evaporated Sb?Se and Ge?S single layers. The optical properties of the prepared 15-layer dielectric mirrors were consistent in temperature range of 20?120 °C; however, at higher temperatures there started apparent structural changes of Sb?Se films, which were followed by their crystallization. Excellent optical properties of chalcogenide materials in the infrared range make them interesting for applications, e.g., in optics and photonics. Chalcogenides, Thin films, Electron microscopy, Optical properties