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Figure of Merit of quaternary (Sb0,75Bi0,25)2-xInxTe3 single crystals
Autoři: Drašar Čestmír | Hovorková Aneta | Lošťák Petr | Kong Hong | Li Cia | Uher Ctirad
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Journal of Applied Physics
Název nakladatele: American Institute of Physics
Místo vydání: Melville
Strana od-do: 023701/1-023701/4
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Figure of Merit kvaternárních monokrystalů (Sb0,75Bi0,25)2-xInxTe3 Monokrystaly (Sb0,75Bi0,25)2-xInxTe3 byly připraveny Bridgmanovou metodou. Byly měřeny transportní a termoelektrické vlastnosti. Byl zjištěn významný vzrůst parametru Z. chalkogenidy; transportní koeficienty; termoelektrické vlastnosti
eng Figure of Merit of quaternary (Sb0,75Bi0,25)2-xInxTe3 single crystals Single crystals of a quaternary system based on (Sb0,75Bi0,25)2Te3 doped with In were prepared using the Bridgman technique. Samples with varying content of In were characterized by the measurements of electrical conductivity c, Hall coefficient RH(B||c), Seebeck coefficient S(Tc) and thermal conductivity  (Tc). The measurements indicate that by incorporating In in (Sb0,75Bi0,25)2Te3 one lowers the concentration of free holes. This effect is explained in terms of a point defect model in the crystal lattice. We also discuss the temperature dependence of the thermoelectric figure of merit Z=S2/ of the samples. It is observed that low concentrations of In atoms in the (Sb0,75Bi0,25)2Te3 crystal lattice result in a substantial increase in the parameter Z in the temperature region 100K - 300K. Chalcogenides of tetradymite structure; Transport coefficients; Thermoelectric properties