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Defect structure of Sb2-xCrxTe3 single crystals
Autoři: Horák Jaromír | Quayale Peter | Dyck Jeffrey | Drašar Čestmír | Lošťák Petr | Uher Ctirad
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Journal of Applied Physics
Název nakladatele: American Institute of Physics
Místo vydání: Melville
Strana od-do: 0135161-0135165
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Defektní struktura monokrystalů Sb2-xCrxTe3 Monokrystaly Sb2-xCrxTe3 byly připraveny Bridgmanovou metodou. Změna koncentrace volných nositelů proudu byla diskutována v rámci modelu defektních stavů. chalkogenidy; defekty
eng Defect structure of Sb2-xCrxTe3 single crystals Single crystals of Sb2Te3 doped with Cr (cCr= 0 ? 6 x1020cm-3) were prepared by the Bridgman method. The measurements of the Hall coefficient reveal a non-monotonous dependence of hole concentrations on the Cr content in the crystal. The hole concentration decreases at low content of Cr while at higher content of Cr increases again. However, according to magnetic measurements Cr atoms enter the structure and form uncharged substitutional defects , which can not affect the free carrier concentration directly. The observed dependence can be elucidated by means of a point defect model. The model is based on an assumption that defect structure of Sb2Te3 can be treated as hybrid Schottky and antisite defect disorder. Thus, we assume an interaction of with the most populated native defects in the structure - antisite defects and vacancies in the Te sublattice . chalgogenides; defects