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Bactericidal activity of natural substances on microorganisms contaminating boar semen
Autoři: Mazurová Jaroslava | Lysková Petra | Vydržalová Markéta | Čapková Monika | Kroupa Tomáš
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Reproduction in Domestic Animals
Název nakladatele: Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Místo vydání: Oxford
Strana od-do: 87
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Bactericidní aktivita přírodních látek na mikroorganismy kontaminující kančí ejakuláty Naše práce byla zaměřena na studii baktericidní aktivity 25 přírodních látek s cílem jejich využití při dekontaminací kančích ejakulátů. bactericidní aktivita; přírodní látky
eng Bactericidal activity of natural substances on microorganisms contaminating boar semen The aim of our work was to study the antibacterial activity of 25 natural substances and to determine their possible application in the decontamination process of boar semen. Minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBC) were obtained using the broth dilution method. Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus hyicus, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Proteus mirabilis were the bacterial strains tested. Among the most effective natural extracts used as a pure component were carvacrol (MBC 600-2400 μg/ml), thymol (MBC 600-2400 μg/ml) and eugenol (MBC 600-9600 μg/ml). On the contrary, the in vitro activities of natural essences were much lower, with the lowest MBC equal to 38 400 μg/ml. MBCs of all natural substances were affected by their solubility. Some substances prepared in 5% dimethyl sulfoxide did not dissolve completely and formed suspensions or emulsions. Therefore, the substances were diluted also in 96% ethanol, which resulted in the formation of solutions with higher antibacterial activity. In conclusion, our study provides evidence that some of the tested substances possess bactericidal activity. However, further investigation is necessary to confirm these results. bactericidal activity; natural substances