doc. Ing. Vítězslav Zima, CSc.

Fakulta chemicko-technologická
- Výuka, rozvrh, termíny
- Publikace
- Projekty
MELÁNOVÁ, K. - BENEŠ, L. - ZIMA, V. - TRCHOVÁ, M. - STEJSKAL, J. Polyaniline-zirconium phosphonate composites: Thermal stability and spectroscopic study Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2020, vol. 147, no. December, s. "109634-1"-"109634-8". ISSN: 0022-3697. | |
KOVÁŘ, P. - ŠKODA, J. - POSPÍŠIL, M. - MELÁNOVÁ, K. - SVOBODA, J. - BENEŠ, L. - KUTÁLEK, P. - ZIMA, V. - BUREŠ, F. How N-(pyridin-4-yl)pyridin-4-amine and its methyl and nitro derivatives are arranged in he interlayer space of zirconium sulfophenylphosphonate: a problem solved by experimental and calculation methods Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, 2020, vol. 34, no. 6, s. 683-695. ISSN: 0920-654X. | |
MELÁNOVÁ, K. - BRUS, J. - ZIMA, V. - BENEŠ, L. - SVOBODA, J. - KOBERA, L. - KUTÁLEK, P. Formation of Layered Proton - Conducting Zirconium and Titanium Organophosphonates by Topotactic Reaction: Physicochemical Properties, Proton Dynamics, and Atomic - Resolution Structure Inorganic Chemistry, 2020, vol. 59, no. 1, s. 505-513. ISSN: 0020-1669. | |
KOPECKÁ, K. - MELÁNOVÁ, K. - BENEŠ, L. - KNOTEK, P. - MAZUR, M. - ZIMA, V. Exfoliation of layered mixed zirconium 4 - sulfophenylphosphonate phenylphosphonates Dalton Transactions, 2020, vol. 49, no. 12, s. 3816-3823. ISSN: 1477-9226. | |
ŠKODA, J. - POSPÍŠIL, M. - KOVÁŘ, P. - MELÁNOVÁ, K. - SVOBODA, J. - BENEŠ, L. - ZIMA, V. Geometry optimization of zirconium sulfophenylphosphonate layers by molecular simulation methods Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2018, vol. 24, no. 1, s. "10-1"-"10-12". ISSN: 1610-2940. | |
ZHANG, B. - ZIMA, V. - MIKYSEK, T. - PODZEMNÁ, V. - ROZSÍVAL, P. - WÁGNER, T. Multilevel resistive switching in Cu and Ag doped CBRAM device Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2018, vol. 29, no. 19, s. 16836–16841. ISSN: 0957-4522. | |
MELÁNOVÁ, K. - BENEŠ, L. - SVOBODA, J. - ZIMA, V. - TRCHOVÁ, M. - VLČEK, M. - ALMONASY, N. Cerium (IV) phenylphosphonates and para – substituted phenylposphonates: preparation and characterization Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 2017, vol. 87, no. 3-4, s. 331-339. ISSN: 1388-3127. | |
MELÁNOVÁ, K. - BENEŠ, L. - ZIMA, V. - SVOBODA, J. - RŮŽIČKA, A. Intercalation of alcohols into barium phenylphosphonate: Influence of the number and position of funcitonal groups in the guests on their arrangement in the intercalates Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2017, vol. 251, no. July 2017, s. 211-216. ISSN: 0022-4596. | |
MELÁNOVÁ, K. - KOVÁŘ, P. - GAMBA, M. - POŠPÍŠIL, M. - BENEŠ, L. - ZIMA, V. - SVOBODA, J. - MIKLÍK, D. - BUREŠ, F. - KNOTEK, P. Structural Arrangement of 4-[4-(Dimethylamino) phenylazo]-pyridine Push – Pull Molecules in Acidic Layered Hosts Solved by Experimental and Calculation Methods European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, vol. 1, no. January, s. 115-123. ISSN: 1434-1948. | |
MELÁNOVÁ, K. - BENEŠ, L. - SVOBODA, J. - ZIMA, V. - VLČEK, M. - TRCHOVÁ, M. Synthesis and characterization of new barium methylphosphonates Dalton Transactions, 2017, vol. 46, no. 16, s. 5363-5372. ISSN: 1477-9226. | |
ZHANG, B. - PROKOP, V. - STŘIŽÍK, L. - ZIMA, V. - KUTÁLEK, P. - VLČEK, M. - WÁGNER, T. The function of buffer layer in resistive switching device Chalcogenide Letters, 2017, vol. 14, no. 8, s. 291-295. ISSN: 1584-8663. | |
SVOBODA, J. - MELÁNOVÁ, K. - ZIMA, V. - BENEŠ, L. - PŠENIČKA, M. - POSPÍŠIL, M. - KOVÁŘ, P. Influence of 1,2 – alkanediols on the structure of their intercalates with strontium phenylphosphonate solved by molecular simulation and experimental methods Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2016, vol. 22, no. 6, s. "143-1"-"143-9". ISSN: 1610-2940. | |
ZIMA, V. - SHIMAKAWA, K. - LIN, C. Protonic conductivity of polycrystalline materials evaluated with effective medium percolation approach: A case study on lithium-carboxylate based MOF Solid State Ionics, 2016, vol. 292, no. September, s. 98-102. ISSN: 0167-2738. | |
BUREŠ, F. - CVEJN, D. - MELÁNOVÁ, K. - BENEŠ, L. - SVOBODA, J. - ZIMA, V. - PYTELA, O. - MIKYSEK, T. - RŮŽIČKOVÁ, Z. - KITYK, I. - WOJCIECHOWSKI, A. - ALZAYED, N. Effect of intercalation and chromophore arrangement on the linear and nonlinear optical properties of model aminopyridine push–pull molecules Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, vol. 4, no. 3, s. 468-478. ISSN: 2050-7526. | |
ZIMA, V. - SVOBODA, J. - MIKYSEK, T. Závěrečná zpráva o výsledcích vědecko-technické spolupráce mezi Univerzitou Pardubice, Fakultou chemicko-technologickou a AVX Czech Republic, s.r.o. Lanškroun. 1. 73 s. | |
ZIMA, V. - MELÁNOVÁ, K. - KOVÁŘ, P. - BENEŠ, L. - SVOBODA, J. - POSPÍŠIL, M. - RŮŽIČKA, A. Intercalates of Strontium Phenylphosphonate with Alcohols – Structure Analysis by Experimental and Molecular Modeling Methods European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2015, vol. 9, no. March 2015, s. 1552-1561. ISSN: 1434-1948. | |
MELÁNOVÁ, K. - KOVÁŘ, P. - BENEŠ, L. - SVOBODA, J. - VETEŠKA, M. - POSPÍŠIL, M. - ZIMA, V. Intercalation of 1,n-diols into strontium phenylphosphonate: How the shape of the host layers influences arrangement of the guest molecules Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2015, vol. 460, no. December 2015, s. 181-188. ISSN: 0021-9797. | |
PATIL, D. - KONALE, M. - KOLÁŘ, J. - SHIMAKAWA, K. - ZIMA, V. - WÁGNER, T. Ionic conductivity study of LiI-Ga2S3-GeS2 chalcogenide glasses using a random-walk approach Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2015, vol. 87, no. 3, s. 249-259. ISSN: 0033-4545. | |
ZIMA, V. - MIKYSEK, T. - SVOBODA, J. Závěrečná zpráva o výsledcích vědecko-technické spolupráce mezi Univerzitou Pardubice, Fakultou chemicko-technologickou a AVX Czech Republic, s.r.o. Lanškroun za rok 2015. 1. 56 s. | |
ZIMA, V. - PATIL, D. - RAJA, D. - CHANG, T. - LIN, C. - SHIMAKAWA, K. - WÁGNER, T. New MOF based on lithium tetrahydrofuran-2,3,4,5-tetracarboxylate: Its structure and conductivity behavior Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2014, vol. 217, no. September, s. 150-158. ISSN: 0022-4596. | |
PATIL, D. - SHIMAKAWA, K. - ZIMA, V. - WÁGNER, T. Quantitative impedance analysis of solid ionic conductors: Effects of electrode polarization Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, vol. 115, no. 14, s. "143707-1"-"143707-6". ISSN: 0021-8979. | |
MELÁNOVÁ, K. - CVEJN, D. - BUREŠ, F. - ZIMA, V. - SVOBODA, J. - BENEŠ, L. - MIKYSEK, T. - PYTELA, O. - KNOTEK, P. Organization and intramolecular charge-transfer enhancement in tripodal tris[(pyridine-4-yl)-phenyl]amine push-pull molecules by intercalation into layered materials bearing acidic functionalities. Dalton Transactions, 2014, vol. 43, no. 27, s. 10462-10470. ISSN: 1477-9226. | |
MACÁK, J. - PATIL, D. - FRAENKL, M. - ZIMA, V. - SHIMAKAWA, K. - WÁGNER, T. New Approach of Data Mining from the Complex Impedanc Plane: Parameters You Have Always Wanted to Have. In Ionic and Mixed Conducting Ceramics 9. Pennington: Electrochemical Society, 2014. s. 217-221 s. ISBN 978-1-60768-516-6. | |
ZIMA, V. - KNOTEK, P. - MIKYSEK, T. - STOČES, M. Studium materiálů pro elektronické aplikace. 1. 114 s. | |
REN, J. - YAN, Q. - WÁGNER, T. - ZIMA, V. - FRUMAR, M. - FRUMAROVÁ, B. - CHEN, G. Conductivity study on GeS2-Ga2S3-AgI-Ag chalcohalide glasses Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, vol. 114, no. 2, s. "023701-1"-"023701-5". ISSN: 0021-8979. | |
SVOBODA, J. - ZIMA, V. - MELÁNOVÁ, K. - BENEŠ, L. - TRCHOVÁ, M. Intercalation chemistry of zirkonium 4-sulfophenylphosphonate. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2013, vol. 208, no. December, s. 58-64. ISSN: 0022-4596. | |
PATIL, D. - SHIMAKAWA, K. - ZIMA, V. - MACÁK, J. - WÁGNER, T. Evaluation of impedance spectra of ionic-transport materials by a random-walk approach considering electrode and bulk response Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, vol. 113, no. 14, s. "143705-1"-"143705-4". ISSN: 0021-8979. | |
MELÁNOVÁ, K. - BENEŠ, L. - TRCHOVÁ, M. - SVOBODA, J. - ZIMA, V. Synthesis and characterization of ester and amide derivatives of titanium (IV) carboxymethylphosphonate. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2013, vol. 202, no. March 2013, s. 93-98. ISSN: 0022-4596. | |
ZIMA, V. - KNOTEK, P. - MIKYSEK, T. - STOČES, M. Studium materiálů pro elektronické aplikace. Pardubice, 2. 100 s. | |
BENEŠ, L. - MELÁNOVÁ, K. - SVOBODA, J. - ZIMA, V. Intercalation chemistry of layered vanadyl phosphate: a review Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 2012, vol. 73, no. 1-4, s. 33-53. ISSN: 0923-0750. | |
MELÁNOVÁ, K. - KLEVCOV, J. - BENEŠ, L. - SVOBODA, J. - ZIMA, V. New layered functionalized titanium (IV) phenylphosphonates. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2012, vol. 73, no. 12, s. 1452-1455. ISSN: 0022-3697. | |
ZIMA, V. - KNOTEK, P. - MIKYSEK, T. Zpráva o výsledcích - Studium materiálů pro elektronické aplikace. 1. 169 s. | |
OTÁHAL, R. - ZIMA, V. - KALENDA, P. Effect of fillers on fire-resistant properties of intumescent coatings. In Conference Proceedings CCT 2010. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2010. s. 19-26 s. ISBN 978-80-7395-258-7. |
CEMNAT - Centrum materiálů a nanotechnologií
01.04.11 - 31.10.15
Program: Operační program Výzkum a vývoj pro inovace
Poskytovatel: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Pozice na projektu: Spoluřešitel
01.04.11 - 31.10.15
Program: Operační program Výzkum a vývoj pro inovace
Poskytovatel: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Pozice na projektu: Spoluřešitel