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The Contribution to the Study of Kinetics of the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Isobutyrylaldehyde
Autoři: Čičmanec Pavel | Bulánek Roman | Tichý Josef
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Przemysl Chemiczny
Název nakladatele:
Místo vydání:
Strana od-do: 182-186
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze isobutyrylaldehyd, dehydrogenace
eng The contribution to the study of kinetics of the oxidative dehydrogenation of isobutyrylaldehyde Cesium phosphomolybdate, 12MoO(3).Cs2HPO4, precipitated with Cs2CO3, dried 12 h/120 °C, heated 6 h/180°C, 6 h/300°C in 120 L/h air, powdered, compressed to yield 0.25-0.5 mm particles, sp. surface 4.13 m2/g, preoxidized 1 h/523 K with O-2, was used to catalyze oxidative dehydrogenation in [x:14:(86-x) by moles] (x = 2, 3, 4) or (3:9:91) isobutyraldehyde (I)-O-2 -N-2 mixtures, 5 dm3/h (F), at 523 K over 0.02-1.5 g (w) catalyst in a fixed-bed integral reactor, time factor w/F = 14,400-1.08.10(6) g.s/m(3), to yield methacrolein and CO. At the start, the catalyzed reaction went together with homogeneous decomposition of I. In the T-programmed (TP) reaction (297-623 K; 10 K/min; F, 150 mL/min; I/O-2 mole ratio, 3/1, 1/1, 1/3), methacrolein appeared at 100°C and CO2 at 200°C. CO attained max. at 100°C. TP desorption studies showed methacrolein to form on the catalyst surface by the Mars-van Krevelen redox mechanism. Keggin's structure (Cs surrounded by 12 molybdate octahedra) remained unaffected by any reaction conditions. The catalyst was active and selective up to 90% toward methacrolein at about 470 K. Adsorption of (a) / and (b) methacrolein on the fresh catalyst at 80, 100 and 120°C, best reproduced by Langmuir isotherms involving no dissociation of adsorbates, gave ÄHo ÄGo and ÄSo at 298 K (a) -14.8. 33.8 kJ/mol and -163 J/(K mol), (b) -26.8, 28.8 kJ/mol and -185 J/(K mol), resp. isobutyrylaldehyde, dehydrogenation