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Ethane Oxidative Dehydrogenation and Ammoxidation over Co-Zeolites: "in-situ" UV-VIS Study
Autoři: Novoveská Kateřina | Wichterlová Blanka | Dědeček Jiří | Bulánek Roman
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: 3rd Younger European Chemists´ Conference, book of abstracts
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Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze zeolity, oxidativni dehydrogenace, ethan
eng Ethane Oxidative Dehydrogenation and Ammoxidation over Co-Zeolites: "in-situ" UV-VIS Study The aim of the study has been analysis of the effect of zeolite structure, siting of the Co ions in Co-zeolites and their funcioning in oxidative dehydrogenation and ammoxidation of ethane. For this purpose reaction kinetic measurements and UV-VIS spectra, reflecting Co ion coordination in zeolites, at "ex-situ" measurements and under the "in-situ" conditions of the catalytic reaction have been done. The activity of Co-zeolites of BEA, MFI, MOR and FER structures in ethane oxidative dehydrogenation to ethylene and its ammoxidation to acetonitrile (ethane conversion being higher at ammoxidation) exhibited dramatic differences. In terms of turn-over-frequency values the activity of Co ions in BEA and MFI was 50-100 times higher compared to that of Co ions in FER and MOR. This finding is related to various Co ion coordination-siting in zeolite channels. It is concluded that the shape effect of zeolite channels with respect to Co ion reactivity (reaction intermediates) occurs and that ammonia strongly bound on the Co sites at the reaction conditions affects the reaction procedure. zeolites, oxidative dehydrogenation, ethane