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Oxidation of Propane by Oxygen, Nitrous Oxide and Their Mixture over Fe-Zeolites with Low Iron Content
Autoři: Bulánek Roman | Wicherlová Blanka | Novoveská Kateřina
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: XXXV. Symposium on Catalysis
Název nakladatele: Praha, AVČR
Místo vydání:
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Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze xxx
eng Oxidation of Propane by Oxygen, Nitrous Oxide and Their Mixture over Fe-Zeolites with Low Iron Content In this study the effect of iron concentration and steaming of FeH-ZSM-5 zeolites with low Fe content on their activity in selective oxidation of propane to propene and oxygenates is compared when oxygen or nitrous oxide or their mixture is used as oxidant. From the complete product analysis of propane oxidation with different oxidants it is speculated on the reaction pathway. The results of propane oxidation in oxygen, nitrous oxide as well as in their mixture over FeH-MFI with various Fe content, regardless of the state of iron, evidence that the active sites are exclusively Fe centers. The protonic sites are not responsible for the zeolite redox activity, although they can participate in the acid-like transformations within the reactant-product mixture. These results represent further support for the conclusion that the redox activity of H-zeolites is only apparent, caused by the higly acitve Fe sites always present in trace concentrations in zeolites. FeH-ZSM-5 zeolites, propane, catalytic oxidation