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Aflatoxinogenic Fungi in Food and Feed and Their Detection Using PCR
Autoři: Zachová Iveta | Vytřasová Jarmila | Harsová Klára | Červenka Libor | Skříčková Marcela
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: European Congress of Young Chemists "YoungChem 2003"
Název nakladatele: Warsaw University of Technology
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Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Aflatoxinogenní plísně v potravinách a krmivech a jejich detekce pomocí PCR Aflatoxinogenic fungi; PCR; Aspergillus parasiticus; Aspergillus flavus
eng Aflatoxinogenic Fungi in Food and Feed and Their Detection Using PCR This work covers the possibility of using PCR method for acceleration and more accurate identification of the aflatoxinogenic fungi isolated from feed and foodstuffs. Some strains of A. flavus and A. parasiticus belong to the most effective producers of aflatoxins. For the production of aflatoxins it is particularly important where their biosynthetic pathway stops. Most types of the fungi Aspergillus produce toxic metabolites (versicolorines or sterigmatocystine), however, only some strains of A. flavus or A. parasiticus convert them into aflatoxins. This work covers the possibility of using PCR method for acceleration and more accurate identification of the aflatoxinogenic fungi isolated from feed and foodstuffs. The method was optimized according to Shapira et al. on pure cultures (Aspergillus flavus CCM F-108 and Aspergillus parasiticus CCM F/550). The specificity of the optimized PCR method was verified using various fungal strains. 50 samples of feed were examined, of which 18 were positive for the presence of the aflatoxinogenic fungi on AFPA medium. Isolated Aspergillus strains were examined using PCR method. The results obtained almost always agreed with the results gained on the AFPA medium. The PCR technique has proved itself in the detection of aflatoxinogenic fungi isolated from feed. For acceleration of PCR method were applied four enrichment broth. Potato broth has been shown to be very effective. Aflatoxinogenic fungi; PCR; Aspergillus parasiticus; Aspergillus flavus