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Isolation of Arcobacter butzleri and A. cryaerophilus in Samples of Meats and from Meat-Processing Plants by a Culture Technique and Detection by PCR
Autoři: Vytřasová Jarmila | Pejchalová Marcela | Harsová Klára | Bínová Šárka
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Folia Microbiologica
Název nakladatele: Springer
Strana od-do: 227-232
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Izolace Arcobacter butzleri a A. cryaerophilus ve vzorcích masa metodou PCR Izolace Arcobacter butzleri a A. cryaerophilus ve vzorcích masa metodou PCR Arcobacter butzleri;Arcobacter cryaerophilus;PCR
eng Isolation of Arcobacter butzleri and A. cryaerophilus in Samples of Meats and from Meat-Processing Plants by a Culture Technique and Detection by PCR A pilot survey of sources of contamination with arcobacters, which represent a potential risk for humans, is described. A wide range of samples involved various kinds of meat (beef, pork, meat products, chilled chickens, etc.), both from a retail level and domestic farming. Sanitary practices in abattoirs and production lines were checked in two different plants (a beef and pork production and a chicken processing plant). The applied method was based on a selective enrichment to isolate suspect strains, in combination with a PCR technique specific for arcobacters. The choice of a suitable enrichment broth and a plating agar was made with the use of pure bacterial strains and by means of real meat samples seeded with Arcobacter butzleri. The PCR technique was optimized to allow differentiation of a 1223 bp product, typical for the genus Arcobacter, and a product of 686 bp, specific for A. butzleri. On the whole, a total number of 198 samples was tested, of that 33 (16.7%) were found to be positive for genus Arcobacter but only 22 (11.1%) for A. butzleri. Arcobacter butzleri;Arcobacter cryaerophilus;PCR