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Metal selenides: from precursor synthesis to atomic layer deposition
Autoři: Charvot Jaroslav | Barr Maissa | Zazpe Raul | Cao Yuanyuan | Koch Vanessa | Pokorný Daniel | Macák Jan | Bachmann Julien | Bureš Filip
Rok: 2021
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Metal selenides: from precursor synthesis to atomic layer deposition Metal selenides possess interesting properties among various fields, as photovoltaics, thermoelectric materials, photocatalysis and many other. ALD is a technique that allows for film deposition of these materials with nanometer thickness, and which can even enhance the desired characteristics. Solution Atomic Layer Deposition (sALD) is an emerging method bypassing some of the gas ALD (gALD) limitations, and in which the gas-solid reaction system is substituted with reactions between the substrate surface and precursors dissolved in appropriate solvent. The literature provides very few chemical methods for the controlled deposition of metal selenides. Essentially, the number of potential selenium precursors for deposition represents a bottleneck. Besides the highly toxic and unstable H2Se, only bis(trialkylsilyl)selenides are established for selenides thin film manufacturing. This work presents various silyl- and stannylselenides with linear or cyclic structure for gALD and sALD depositions. The molecular structures can be tailored to achieve various trade-offs between volatility, reactivity, air stability or ease of synthesis, as required depending on the application. Selected precursors are then tested in gALD and sALD to prepare metal selenides and compared. Both the choice of precursor molecule and the choice of technique (gALD vs sALD) can be used to adjust the results and optimize them towards either high growth or high substrate selectivity. ALD; selenides