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The temperature dependence of OH group vibration: the effect of confinement and strength of acid sites
Autoři: Bulánek Roman | Kotera Jiří | Vaculík Jan
Rok: 2021
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng The temperature dependence of OH group vibration: the effect of confinement and strength of acid sites Representative zeolite samples, MOR topology, MFI, FER, CHA, FAU and also fumed silica, were measured using the change of the frequency of vibration of OH groups in temperature. This technique is very simple and easy for measure and provides the information about the interaction energy between atoms of O and H in acid sites. With increasing temperature the band of O-H groups usually changes its distribution – not only different T atoms (case of MOR) but also different position of oxygen atoms with only single T atom (case of CHA). Itis possible, that the magnitude of the shift of the O-H group vibration with temperature is probably related to acidity and especially the confinement of given OH groups. OH group vibration; zeolites; FTIR; acid sites