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Polyborazylene characterization: Determination of subsequent polymerization steps by DTA analysis
Autoři: Zima Vítězslav | Knotek Petr | Keder Roman | Malkova Nadezda
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Polyborazylene characterization: Determination of subsequent polymerization steps by DTA analysis Polyborazylene is fine white powder oligomer, its molecular structure lies between monomeric structure of borazine and final polymeric structure of hexagonal boron nitride. Its molecular structure and physical properties depend on the method of synthesis, precisely on the reaction temperature and reaction time. These polyborazylene derived materials can be used as fillers in new types of polymer composite materials. It is presumed that these materials treated at temperatures of 700 °C and higher can forma kind of precursors of hexagonal boron nitrides (h-BN). DTA analysis was primarily used to determine of the degree of polymerization. The amount of hydrogen released was observed. Thanks to DTA analysis, it was also found out that the reaction solvent is relatively strongly intercalated between the polyborazylene layers. polyborazylene; polymerization; DTA