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Analýza masných produktů z hlediska výskytu bakterí rodu Arcobacter
Autoři: Vytřasová Jarmila | Pejchalová Marcela | Červenka Libor | Brožková Iveta
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Sborník XVI. medzinárodnej konferencie Laboralim 2007 o analytických metódach v potravinárstve v súlade s harmonizáciou legislativy EU
Název nakladatele: Slovenská technická univezita v Bratislave
Místo vydání: Bratislava
Strana od-do: 442-445
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Analýza masných produktů z hlediska výskytu bakterí rodu Arcobacter Sixty nine meat and water samples were examined by m-PCR assay of the enrichment media. Twenty nine (42%) of samples were contaminated with Arcobacter species. In 17 samples (24,6%), A.butzleri was confirmed by m-PCR. It was shown, particulary, that a sample with higher fat content has required a longer incubation period in erichment broth for succesful detection by m-PCR. Arcobacter butzleri; Arcobacter cryaerophilus; PCR; matrice vzorku
eng Detection of genus Arcobacter in the meat products Sixty nine meat and water samples were examined by m-PCR assay of the enrichment media. Twenty nine (42%) of samples were contaminated with Arcobacter species. In 17 samples (24,6%), A.butzleri was confirmed by m-PCR. It was shown, particulary, that a sample with higher fat content has required a longer incubation period in erichment broth for succesful detection by m-PCR. Arcobacter butzleri; Arcobacter cryaerophilus; PCR; matrix of samples